2nd IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - IEEE UKRCON 2019, Leópolis (Ucrania). 02-06 julio 2019
This article proposes an approach towards combating power meters tampering by manipulation with strong magnetic fields. The vulnerabilities of electronic power meters are highlighted, and different shielding structures for limiting electromagnetic interference on power meters are investigated. Simulations were performed using the CST EM Studio simulation tool, exploiting the finite element method. The techniques for optimization of shield's dimensions and shape are studied.
Palabras clave: power meter, magnetic field, shielding, current transformer, pulse transformer, finite element method
Publicado en IEEE UKRCON 2019, pp: 314-320, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3883-1
Fecha de publicación: 2019-07-02.
I. Diahovchenko, R.G. Olsen, D. Danylchenko, R. Mykhailyshyn, V. Savkiv, Protection of digital power meters under the influence of strong magnetic fields, 2nd IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering - IEEE UKRCON 2019, Leópolis (Ucrania). 02-06 julio 2019. En: IEEE UKRCON 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-7281-3883-1